FWG Gomoku

FWG Gomoku

FWG Gomoku

FWG Gomoku

Gomoku is an abstract strategy board game. Also called Gobang or Five in a Row, it is traditionally played with Go pieces (black and white stones) on a go board with 19×19 (15×15) intersections. This game is known in several countries under different names.

It originated in Japan during the Heian period. The name “Gomoku” is from the Japanese language, in which it is referred to as gomokunarabe (五目並べ). Go means five, moku is a counter word for pieces and narabe means line-up. The game is also popular in Korea, where it is called omok (오목 [五目]) which has the same structure and origin as the Japanese name.

The Japanese call this game Go-moku (five stones). In the nineteenth century, the game was introduced to Britain where it was known as Go Bang, said to be a corruption of the Japanese word goban, said to be adopted from Chinese k’i pan (qí pán) “chess-board.”

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FWG Gomoku